Eid al-Adha is a distinct Islamic holiday celebrated by Muslims to commemorate the sacrifice made by Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him.

Eid al-Adha is usually associated with hearty meals and delicious food!! Isn’t it? :P

But overeating affects health, and leads to weight gain. So, we have collected 7 best tips for you to spend a healthy Eid Al-Adha.

1. Take care of breakfast

Start your day with a light, nutritious and low- calorie breakfast . You can eat some oat flakes with chopped fruits and skim milk, or eggs and vegetables.

2. Add some vegetables

It is known that meat is the master of dishes during the days of Eid al-Adha, but we advise you to add some vegetables and salads to your plate instead of limiting it to proteins from meat.

3. Avoid fried Food

It is preferable to stay away from fried foods, as they are full of hydrogenated fats and oils and contain a lot of calories. Therefore, it is preferable to choose grilled, boiled, roasted or steamed meat and food.

4. Reduce the size of the meal and share it with others

On Eid days, meals are many e.g.  main meals, and “snacks” such as sweets and fruits. Therefore, we advise you to reduce the size of your servings instead of depriving yourself of one of these meals. You can share half of your dishes with someone in need to fulfill the holiday spirit and stay healthy at the same time.

5. Choose the right sweetener

It is known that Eid meals are not complete without sweets. It would be very difficult for anyone to give up dessert in such an atmosphere. Therefore, we advise you to choose the types of sweets that are suitable for the diet or replace them with fresh or dried fruits instead of giving up sweets completely.

6. Don’t forget the drinks

Completely stay away from soft drinks and processed juices. Also be refrained from adding sugar to tea and coffee. Replace them with natural juices, home-made tea and coffee sweetened with sugar substitutes . You can also use drinks that help burn and melt fat.

7. Add some fun activities

Movement and physical games are the key to balancing delicious meals and a healthy Eid al-Adha. So, add some fun activities that involve a lot of movements to burn calories and stimulate blood circulation.

You can play with the kids, hold a soccer match, run a race or jump with friends and family

So, Hopefully these tips are really gonna be beneficial for you this Eid.

Have a Happy Meaty Eid from HK Matrimony.

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Article By Muneeb Ahmad, Specially for HK MATRIMONY